Pan Pacific generated 18x ROAS whilst navigating Covid-19

Located in the heart of the Perth CBD, Pan Pacific offers 5-star luxury hotel rooms to domestic and overseas travellers, featuring a state-of-the-art fitness centre, a choice of 2 restaurants and 2 bars.

In December 2019, Pan Pacific Perth engaged with Glide Agency to drive accommodation bookings to the domestic market over the summer period.

Promoting the “More Cheers To Summer Holidays” and “Kids Retreat Package” with a targeted Facebook ads campaign, the result was almost instant.

A budget of around $2,000 yielded a return of $42,300 revenue at 18x.

The suite of ads included interactive forms of canvas and carousel ads and produced high quality animated videos in-house to further drive the results.
Not only were the results really good, the client was impressed by the speedy turnaround from the team, their attentiveness to requests and transparent reporting using live dashboards.

Off the back of this success, four more Pan Pacific and PARKROYAL hotels partnered with Glide in NSW and VIC and achieved similar success with their campaigns, yielding 7x and 18x respectively.

Return on Ad Spend
0 x

In March, Easter Campaign was readied to launch, but restrictions put in place by the State Government due to COVID-19 meant demand for hotels from overseas and interstate travellers ground to a halt.

For several weeks, the hotel welcomed quarantined guests returning to Australia from overseas.

Whilst no accommodation ads were running during this period, Glide was proactive in promoting takeaway services to the adjoining Uma Restaurant and Hill St Bar.

Restrictions started to ease locally over time, but with the WA border closed for the foreseeable future, Glide worked with Pan Pacific Perth and create several campaigns that would appeal to the intrastate audience, all raring to #wanderoutyonder and spend their expandable income here in Perth.

After launching a ‘Romantic Weekend’ package, ‘#perth” and a ‘Best Available Rate’ campaign to WA audiences, the return on ad spend grew with rising demand, starting at 5x and growing to 8x over 2 weeks.

Micro campaigns were added to bring patrons Bar Uma, Hill St Bar and Uma Restaurant and encourage visitors to stay the night at Pan Pacific Perth.

Pan Pacific Perth continues to work with Glide Agency whilst rebuilding their revenue stream over an unprecedented time. The NSW and VIC hotels have also re-engaged their Facebook advertising activities and results continue to grow, as the economy recovers.

If you've been struggling with your online sales, let's chat.

  • Data Driven

    Glide follows a data driven approach when making decisions in strategy and planning. A data driven culture calls for an agnostic approach, and to be flexible in order to achieve better outcomes.

  • Build for Speed

    Glide removes the complex layers that exist within the traditional agency model with a seamless output that strives for speed and agility.

  • Innovative

    Glide is always looking for ways to provide better solutions, engineering new strategies that are cutting edge and produce the most desirable results.

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